Our Breastfeeding Journey – Rebecca & Levi

We didn’t have the easiest start to our breastfeeding journey following an emergency caesarean and then Levi having low blood sugar levels requiring tests prior to each feed making it extremely difficult to feed responsively.

We spent 5 days on the post natal ward in order to get feeding established and Levi’s weight loss back to an acceptable level for discharge. 

Once home, Levi continued to gain weight but I was finding feeding painful. We attended one of the No Milk Like Mama’s breastfeeding support cafes and Sian examined Levi and suggested that we got referred to the tongue tie clinic by our health visitor which we did.

Levi was also exhibiting symptoms of colic and reflux and was put on medication by the GP which stopped the projectile vomiting but he was still getting reflux in the back of his throat and this was distressing him.

After another trip to the GP, it was suggested that Levi might have a cows milk protein allergy (CMPA) and to trial going dairy free for two weeks and then go back for review. 

After two weeks of being dairy free (and Levi having had his tongue tie divided in this time) feeding was going well and he was exhibiting fewer reflux symptoms until I ate something containing cheese which indicated there probably was CMPA and we were referred to the dieticians at the hospital when we returned to the GP for review. We’re now 4 1/2 months on from going dairy free and Levi is putting on weight and following his centile line, feeding is more relaxed and enjoyable and we plan to continue our journey for as long as possible.

Details of CMPA and allergy information can be found at

If you have concerns around this, please contact your healthcare provider and seek specialist breastfeeding support.

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